Sunday, May 26, 2013

New Achievement for UKH Chess Club

 Good News for UKH Chess Players

       Xanzad Chess Club accepted our request and from now on our UKH chess player can go there and do their practice or play with them any time they want and also we can get advantages from the sources and information that they have such as reading chess books, practice, learn form their coaches,,,,etc.

Xanzad Chess Club
Place: Ankawa Street Beside Baghi Shaqlawa Real Estate

Friendly Chess Tournament With University of Salahadenn and Xanzad Chess Club

 Friendly Chess Tournament With University of Salahadeen and Xanzad Chess Club

      After first friendly chess tournament with university of Salahadeen we have played with them again but this time in Xnazad chess club. The tournament were between UKH Chess Club players and UoS Chess players and also there were another friendly chess tournament between UKH instructors and Xanzad chess club's coaches. The both university of Salahdeen chess player won and they got three points out of five; the two points that UKH players got were Hewa Muhammed and Karzand Abdulmajeed, and also Xanzad coaches won and they got three and half points out of four; UKH instrucotrs got half point by Dr Rashid Begg.