Sunday, May 26, 2013

New Achievement for UKH Chess Club

 Good News for UKH Chess Players

       Xanzad Chess Club accepted our request and from now on our UKH chess player can go there and do their practice or play with them any time they want and also we can get advantages from the sources and information that they have such as reading chess books, practice, learn form their coaches,,,,etc.

Xanzad Chess Club
Place: Ankawa Street Beside Baghi Shaqlawa Real Estate

Friendly Chess Tournament With University of Salahadenn and Xanzad Chess Club

 Friendly Chess Tournament With University of Salahadeen and Xanzad Chess Club

      After first friendly chess tournament with university of Salahadeen we have played with them again but this time in Xnazad chess club. The tournament were between UKH Chess Club players and UoS Chess players and also there were another friendly chess tournament between UKH instructors and Xanzad chess club's coaches. The both university of Salahdeen chess player won and they got three points out of five; the two points that UKH players got were Hewa Muhammed and Karzand Abdulmajeed, and also Xanzad coaches won and they got three and half points out of four; UKH instrucotrs got half point by Dr Rashid Begg.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Friendly Chess Match

Friendly Chess Match   
      UKH Chess Club arrange a friendly chess match between UKH and University of Salahaddin which held inside UKH cafeteria at 13March, 2013. University of Salahaddin won the match congratulation for them. At the end of match they decide to play again with UKH chess team for another time and they will invite UKH Chess team to their university or their sport club. Wait for more  friendly chess matches......

Kurdistan International Chess Festival

  Kurdistan International Chess Festival

     Under the auspices of his excellency (Mr.Nechirvan Barzani ) the prim minister of KRG,
International chess Kurdistan Festival was opened at 12/12/2012 in Erbil at Saad Abdullah 's hall. After Iraqi union of chess didn't agree with Kurdistan flag being with Iraqi flag in the tournament and pulled out of tournament . A head of Kurdistan chess union Azad Saber decided to manage the tournament without them . Kawa Hafid the culture minister and Nawzad Hadi the governor of Hawler
visited the tournament. The tournament started with a huge number of players inside and outside Kurdistan some of players were  came from Hewler, Sulaimaniyah, Dahok and Kirkuk, and also some of players came from different countries such as Hungary, Germany, Ukraine, Syria, Iran ...etc . 

    Three of UKH chess players participated in this tournament and one of our best chess players Rawand Hamid won the championship for Chess Blitze (3 minutes ) in the Kurdistan International Chess Festival which started on 12/12/2012 to 18/12/2012.

 Congratulation for Rawand Hamid

Hussein saber
secretary of chess club

Kirkuk Chess Tournament

Kirkuk Chess Tournament     

   Three of our UKH chess players participated in Kirkuk Chess Tournament they were Laween Tahir, Hardy Fazel and Karzan A. Raza. They did very well in the tournament. Karzan got the first place and Hardy got the third place.

 This picture is designed by Dastan Warazi the Advertiser of UKH Chess Club

 Congratulation for UKH Chess Players

Kurdistan Universities Chess Tournament for 2012 - 2013

UKH Takes the Fourth Place at Kurdistan Universities Tournament

      UKH Chess Player who participated in the universities tournament during the exercises that given by Dr. Rashid Begg
Place: Sulaimaniyah at Hotel Mam u Zeen
Time: 12:20 a.m


      Among 8 Universities that participated at Kurdistan Universities Chess Tournament for 2012 - 2013 which was held in Sulaymaniyah – Peshmarga Club, despite of all the difficulties, UKH Chess Team takes the fourth place after playing 5 rounds with 5 different universities. For more information about the rounds please see the pictures bellow;

Results of UKH Chess Team

This photo is taken during the match between UKH and UoD
UKH Team Vs Dahok Team

UKH Chess Tournament

UKH Chess Tournament 
        The first round of the UKH Chess Tournament started with 62 participants both male and female and included students and staff. The matches took place in one of the rooms of the academic building on Sunday 18 November, 2012 at 4:30 pm. The tournament was organized by student body as Zana Mahmood and is the organizer of the Chess Club. The tournament run every Sunday and Wednesday. The tournament is based on Swiss system of international chess tournament around the world. According to this system, the loser of each match will not be dismissed from the tournament but will only lose points. The UKH always encourages students to engage in different activities. This activity is one of the activities in which both students and staff can contribute together. 

 Our students and staff enjoyed the final round of the UKH Chess Tournament for the first semester of the academic year 2012-2013.

 Chess final match took place at March 18th, 2013. The UKH Chess Tournament final match took place at the auditorium between two of our students Rawand and Shamal. Rawand Hamid won the game and Shamal got the second place, and also won with the first place for girls chess tournament then all of them awarded with some of other chess players. Follow us on our next chess tournament, see who will win next time!!!

 Tournament Final Match
 Rawand Hamid Vs Shamal Sbir

UKH Chess Club Current staff 2013
Hussien, Rawand, Karzan, Rashid Begg, Dastan, and Zana

UKH boys best players
 Rawand, Shamal, Rashid Begg, Hussien, Bahoz, Nagil, Karzan Ari

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

UKH Chess Club Policy

University of Kurdistan Hewler


About UKH Chess Club:
     The UKH Chess club (UKH- CC) is founded by John Sasser and has been led for first time by Abdurrahman Ali Bapir. The second president was Shamal Sabr, and the current president is Zana Mahmood. Proudly, we are now a member of the USCF, that's United States Chess Federation, since 2010, recognized with ID number: G6035568. That simply means that we sponsor chess tournaments of the second biggest chess federation in the world in Kurdistan and Iraq. We have a group and an official page in Facebook; also our Chess Club have an e- mail which is: 

UKH Chess Club Annually Activities: 
UKH Chess Club has many activities inside and outside UKH. First, UKH- CC will hold a yearly tournament at UKH. Second UKH- CC will participate in the Chess Championship, which is held annually between Kurdistan
Universities. In addition, also we will participate in foreign tournaments and events outside UKH as much as possible. Finally UKH- CC will hold a training and educational course at French Institute for Culture.

Note: Swiss Manager is the program that UKH Chess Tournaments labour by it.

Current Officers of the UKH Chess Club
President: Zana Mahmood
Secretary: Hussein Saber
Treasurer: Karzan Abdulmajeed
Webmaster: Dastan Mohammed
Top player: Rawand Hamid
Coach: Mohammed Rashid Begg

Players Rules and Conditions to participate in the universities tournament:
1.      Players should be undergraduate students.
2.      Five players of boys and five of girls will participate in the tournament.
3.      Player who will participate in the tournament should be one of the five best players.
4.      In case one of the five best players, he or she doesn’t want to participate in the tournament a player after them will participate.
5.      The coach have right to dismiss unpanctual or unready player and choose anther one which came after him or her.
6.      If one of the best five players was bigger than 28 years we will chose another player instead of him or her because that player havet access to participate in universities tournament because of his or her age.

Players rules to participate in the UKH
1.      Players should be in UKH; including staff and postgraduate students.
2.      Players should register their names before the deadline.
3.      Players should attend the matches on time if they don’t come after 10 minutes they will account as a loser.
4.      Players should know how to play chess and should know about chess’s rules.
5.      There is no matches postpone.

UKH Chess Club Election:

     Election for candidates of UKH Chess Club should be annually and every undergraduate student can candidate his or her self for the first four positions and the final position is for the best player for the previous year.

Rules and Conditions for Candidates:

1.      Candidate should be UKH undergraduate student.
2.      Candidate should know how to play chess.
3.      Candidate has the right to choose only one of the positions.
4.      Candidate should participate in at least 75% of the meetings.
5.      Candidates have to write their name before deadline.

Rules and Conditions for positions:
1.      President: Should have a strong communication skill, flexible with team working. Able to face the oppositions and difficulties, also be able to use Swiss Manager Program, and the president should oversee the tournaments and the events.
2.      Secretary: the secretary is responsible of scheduling UKHCC's meetings, participate in tournaments, and register player’s name.
3.      Treasury: the treasury should buy UKHCC's goods and needs and care about them, make donations and provide support for the club, and taking the responsibility of accounts.
4.      Webmaster: the webmaster should have IT skills; announce every UKHCC's activity, and run Facebook group and networks.
5.      Top player: the top player goes to the player who won last year’s championship. He or She should help chess club in the events and courses, and rich them by ideas.
6.      The coach: he/she will choose by the UKH Chess Club officers.

UKH Chess Club Policy created by:
© Zana Mahmood Ahmed
The president of UKH Chess Club